• +211 925 486 861
  • gsacademyss@gmail.com
  • Good Shepherd Academy, Gumbo, Juba-Nimule Road, Shirkat, Juba
  • Religious Culture


    Religious Culture

    GSA is a Christian institution. Christian values, and teaching are the foundation of the school.  GSA is committed to provision of faith-based education open to all children. No child is segregated based on culture, tribe, race, region or geographical locations.

    To provide holistic Christian base education at the highest modern educational standards to all children of school going age, with special attention to marginalized and vulnerable children by nurturing their full potential and ability through an enabling environment where faith and cultural integration are realized; and strengthen children through childcare leading to dignity and independence of a wining individual of the community

    Our Belief

    Scripture: “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” Eph. 6: 4 ESV
    Good Shepherd Academy embraces Christian values which include
    • Love
    • Humility and servant-hood
    • Honesty
    • Integrity
    • Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation
    • Responsibility
    • Compassion and care

    Christian Principles

    GSA is a Christian institution. It does observe important Christian dates and holidays, sometimes adding other selected days in addition to public holidays. GSA may not observe other religions holidays. However, students with other religion background may be allowed to absent themselves from the school. As a matter of policy, GSA distant itself from employing non-Christians for teaching or any other position at the school.

    Our Vision

    Molding and nurturing servant leaders with Christian based education for transformation and creation of future peaceful society.


    To increase children’s access to education and improve quality of education at nursery and primary school levels in Shirkat and beyond

    School Motto

    Nurturing winning servant leaders